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Located in one of the main National roads of Portugal,N1, these Petrol Stations were lit in order to create a unique image at night and to attract drivers. Although they are very bright objects when observed from the distance, they convey a pleasant and soft atmosphere to those near it. They became a meeting point and a resting place for travellers.

This project involved a careful collaboration with the architects in order to study the configuration and dimensions of the perforations of the panels that cover the building's facades. These aspects determine the delivery of the exact amount of light that best suits the space. 

Lighting is also dynamic to best suit the needs of the stores and allow for energy savings. Thus, light slowly dims as the night progresses and the number of customers decrease. On the other hand, because all doors and windows are identical, there is a very narrow beam of light that signals the entrance of the store. This beam turns off when the store closes and another one lights up at the payment window in order to direct people to the right place.

BP Gas Station| Petrol Station| Postos de Combustivel| Leiria | Lightware

Vista da loja de um dos postos de combustível com a faixa de luz indicando a entrada.

BP Gas Station| Petrol Station| Postos de Combustivel| Leiria | Lightware

Vista lateral de um dos postos de combustível.

BP Gas Station| Petrol Station| Postos de Combustivel| Leiria | Lightware

Pormenor da iluminação que indica a entrada.

BP Gas Station| Petrol Station| Postos de Combustivel| Leiria | Lightware

Loja vista desde o exterior.

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